Legal information

The website is the property of Aximum, a French Société Anonyme with share capital of 21 975 000 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the reference 582 081 782. The registered office of Aximum is located 8, rue Jean Mermorz - CS80103 - 78772 MAGNY-LES-HAMEAUX.

01 30 15 69 00

Publication Director: Communication Department

Conception and realization: GLANUM, a limited liability company with a single shareholder and a capital of 9990,00€, registered in the Avignon Trade and Companies Register under the number 449 762 517, whose head office is located at 5 rue Martin Luther King - 84000 AVIGNON, carrying out its activity under the trade name GLANUM, represented by Mr. David SHABTAI, acting in the capacity of President.

Hosting: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59100 Roubaix – France
SAS au capital de 500 000 Euros – RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing 424 761 419
Code NAF : 721Z – TVA/CEE : FR 22 424761419
Phone number: 1007


Intellectual property:

This website and its content are protected under intellectual property law. Any use, representation or reproduction, by any means and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the website, without prior written authorization from Colas SA, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights.